Earn 1% daily income until 365% of your investment.

Wealth Maker
4 min readMay 3, 2022

Piston offers a 1% daily return for up to 365 percent of the amount put.Your primary is originally locked away with one exception: you can leave the “race” early. This is ideal for those of you who have had buyer’s remorse or require cash.

Be advised that there may be a penalty as you will forfeit any pending / unclaimed incentives and pay a 10% tax on the initial capital. This is a tremendous gain in my opinion — either you misread the idea or it isn’t for you, and you can cut your losses.

What’s the deal with this “race”?
The theme is the race: the more you compound (nitro) and build out your pit crew (referrals), the faster you’ll win.

Make your first deposit, create a compounding/claiming schedule that works for you, and aggressively grow a team so that you may all enjoy round robin prizes.

Why does Piston appeal to me more?
Take a look at the following tax table:

  1. You will not be charged a “buy” tax if you purchase via the Piston website https://piston-token.com
  2. You have the option to leave the project within seven days for any reason.
  3. The compound (nitro) function is 3%. (DRIP is 5 percent ). Because DRIP transmits the tax to numerous places, including the BNB/DRIP liquidity pool, which might have price fluctuations, this tax has superior tokenomics than DRIP.
  4. The liquidity pool is linked to the US dollar, ensuring price stability rather than worrying about the price of BNB.
  5. Did I mention that Piston is now only $19 and some change?


Excerpt from the whitepaper:

To incentivize bringing in new users through a network of referrals, PSTN can be used to access rewards from your downline (Pit Crew) to a maximum of 15 levels. There are two places where you can deposit PSTN in the Piston site: 1. Your gas tank, which enables you to receive 1% ROI per day on the total amount 2. The Pit Crew Boost system What is the benefit of depositing PSTN into the Pit Crew Boost system? It allows you to receive Boosts of PSTN from the Nitro and deposit fees of users in your downline (aka your Pit Crew). Pit Crew Boosts will go directly into your gas tank. Note: You get access to Boosts from more levels of your downline depending on the USD value (at the time of deposit) of the PSTN deposited there. ● Why base it on the USD value? Because we want everyone to be able to expand their network even when the value of PSTN increases. ● Using this approach, $100 worth of PSTN will allow you to receive Boosts from direct referrals in your Pit Crew whether one PSTN costs $10 or $500. We are particularly pleased with how this system keeps the benefit of network referrals affordable for everyone, even as token prices rise How do these Pit Crew levels work? ● The first level consists of your direct referrals (people who used your referral code to join the Piston project). ● The second level consists of people referred by your direct referrals. ● The third level consists of people referred by your second level. ● And so on, down to a maximum of 15 levels.

Check out the whitepaper for more information about incentives.

What I like about this incentive/referral mechanism is that it’s directly linked to more Piston being deposited into the system. Referral incentives will no longer need the purchase of another token, such as DRIP (BR34P) (pun intended). At one time, BR34P reached a stage where it was no longer affordable to the general public, and only the DRIP pioneers were able to use the referral system. That will no longer be a problem in Piston.

Current Road Map:

Join my squad and you’ll be eligible for weekly airdrops!
Starting on 30/03/22022, I’ll be conducting a weekly airdrop into my team according on how much we’ve earned in rewards. Don’t miss out on this chance to invest early.

Use this link to join my team: https://piston-token.com/ref/wagmi

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Wealth Maker

On a Journey to Financial Freedom.Making Wealth with you.